Building Safety Solutions, Inc. (BSS)

BSS provides a variety of products and services to the commercial real estate, corporate, and government markets to preserve and protect life, property, and the continuing operations of employees and others on site.

Our experienced and certified personnel have assessed and evaluated the condition of a vast number of projects nationwide. BSS is committed to identifying weaknesses and deficiencies and developing and implementing corrective measures in a timely and effective manner.

BSS provides a complete menu of emergency preparedness and response planning services, sold individually or as part of a comprehensive, customized program.

LAFD Certification Programs

Get Certified! (Click to go to sign-up/log-in site)

  • Ensure compliance with the law.
  • Avoid fines, monetary damages, and unnecessary exposure to liabilities.
  • Protect your brand and hard-earned reputation.

Fire Safety Director Certification: Obtain your fire safety director certification and assistant fire safety director certification for your property. The BSS system is easy to use because it includes a simple three-step process that guarantees your passing the Los Angeles Fire Department test.

Floor Warden Certification: Obtain your floor warden and alternate floor warden certification for your floor. The BSS system is easy to use because it includes a simple three-step process that guarantees your passing the fire department’s test.

BSS LAFD Certification Programs are approved by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department.

Document Management System

Securely create, maintain, and edit their emergency action plans, business continuity plans, disaster recovery plans, and emergency manuals from any computer or mobile device.

The BSS Document Management System makes planning simple. It is easy to learn and easy to use. Document Management System provides certified content to leverage in your planning

Create a high-quality plan for your organization. Once the draft plan is created you can maintain and exercise the plan.

The Document Management System facilitates full participation, by all the critical functions in your organization; moreover, the content is secure. The plan can be updated and maintained by authorized personnel wherever they reside.

In addition, the plan can be shared and accessed by all who need to see it and in a secured environment.

Live Training

As part of a comprehensive approach to emergency preparedness, BSS has the qualifications and certifications necessary to offer various types of life safety training.

Our network of experienced trainers allows BSS to schedule training sessions throughout the United States.

BSS offers the following types of emergency preparedness training sessions:

  • Building Staff Training
  • Evacuation / Fire Drills
  • Floor Warden Training (for evacuation / fire drills)
  • Fire Safety Director Training
Emergency Plan Manuals

Real estate and corporate facility managers rely on BSS to deliver accurate, comprehensive, well-written, and user-friendly emergency response plans that are property-specific and compliant with jurisdictional requirements.

BSS focuses on meeting client objectives and expectations for single facilities as well as for portfolios on a nationwide basis.

Plans can range from basic, yet code-compliant to custom and private-labeled, integrating site-specific photographic documentation.

In our continuing commitment to create value for our customers, by improving efficiencies and containing costs, BSS also offers clients a Web-based management tool, to readily access manuals and to obtain content modifications and updates on demand.

Life Safety Assessments & Evaluations

Life Safety System Assessments

BSS has the technical and operational expertise to conduct value-added condition assessments of building life safety systems. Whether the objective of such an evaluation is for risk assessment, facilities management programs, or pre-acquisition physical due diligence, BSS engineers and operations staff provide our clients with timely, comprehensive reports that exceed industry standards.

Our staff’s in-depth familiarity with federal, state, and local fire and safety codes allows BSS to represent our clients’ best interests in identifying potential issues that may adversely affect ownership or operations.

Life Safety Evaluations

After gaining an accurate and detailed understanding of property safety systems and features, building occupancy, and emergency procedures, BSS life safety experts will prepare a well-constructed and organized assessment of life safety features specific to your site.

The following are the primary areas of consideration that BSS addresses in our life safety evaluations:

  • Life Safety and Fire Protection Evaluation/Status
  • General Safety Evaluation/Status
  • Security Evaluation/Status

The objective of these evaluations is to provide building management and ownership or corporations operating within such buildings with a constructive critique that scrutinizes the safety environment for the occupants.

The end result of BSS Life Safety Evaluations is to minimize risk and potentially improve how building systems and occupants respond to an emergency.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

In today’s environment of 24/7 operations, just-in-time inventory, outsourcing of business functions, and strategic business alliances, a BSS Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is more than just a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for your organization.

While Disaster Recovery Plans (DRPs) are important, they fall short of providing your company with business continuity. Companies that have a requirement for no downtime need plans far broader than just a recovery plan.

They require Business Continuity Plans (BCPs), which address key business processes, people, and infrastructure, along with ways to incorporate business resiliency into the entire organization — plans developed by experts in risk management such as those at BSS.

According to a report published by Strategic Research Corporation, a Santa Barbara, California, market research and consulting firm, the financial impact of a major business process outage can be enormous if an effective risk management plan is not in place: $6.5 million an hour for a brokerage operation, $2.5 million an hour for credit card sales authorization, or even $14,500 for a single automated teller machine.

Your business may or may not incur this same financial impact; however, the asset risk from just one of your key business processes being out of commission would likely be significant.

An experienced BSS Risk Management consultant can help you identify your critical business processes and requirements. We can help you assess not only the financial impact but also the impact on your people, your infrastructure, your asset risk, and your company’s reputation.

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Fire, flood, earthquake … you never know when disaster will strike.

  • Whether you operate from a high-rise building or an industrial complex.
  • Whether you own, rent, or lease your property.
  • Whether you are a large or small company.

You need a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).

More than 25 percent of businesses that close after a disaster never re-open.

— Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.

Having a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) can be the difference between being in business and being out of business.

When it comes to preparing for a disaster, you need expert risk management advice. BSS will develop a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) specific to your organization — one that addresses IT disaster recovery, contingency planning, operational risk management, and more. BSS can help you design, implement, and manage a comprehensive DRP.

We can help you answer questions like:

  • What applications do I need to backup?
  • What hardware and software do I need to have available to run my applications?
  • Should I manage my own backup capability or should I outsource?
  • What resources are required to execute my backup plan?
  • How often should I test my plan?

Let our experienced Risk Management consultants use proven techniques and tools to help you design, write, implement, and test a Disaster Recovery Plan for your company.

In addition, they can train your staff in all types of disaster recovery planning processes.

In addition, they can train your staff in all types of disaster recovery planning processes.

Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA)

Is your infrastructure at a level of resiliency that is required by your business?

The BSS Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) is designed to focus on risk management, continuity of operations, resiliency, vulnerability, and mitigation measures as they apply to a specified critical site, business operation, or vital function within a site.

Our proven IVA methodology is used to identify potential problem areas or corporate risks that could have a serious impact on business operations or functional capabilities.

A recommended course of action is developed to mitigate the identified business risks, build resiliency, and ensure continued process improvements.

BSS will identify and document possible single points of failure and operational issues along with recommended actions for risk management as well as operational and infrastructure improvement.

We will also discuss the management of continuity of operations, and risk mitigation policies when faced with changing internal and external political, social, economic, and environmental factors.

During our site walk-through, we will take pictures of visible potential single points of failure. These photographs will be included in your Integrated Vulnerability Assessment report.

Our interview process will examine the social, political, operational, economic, and environmental issues related to the development and implementation of a comprehensive continuity of operations plan.

BSS will identify single points of failure within your organization, and we’ll create an action plan to help follow the elimination of those issues.

Let our team of certified risk management experts — consultants who have extensive first-hand experience in preparing for, responding to, and managing crisis events — help you assess your site, operations, and infrastructure.

Site Assessment (SA)

Is your company’s site at a level of resiliency that is required by your business?

The BSS Site Assessment (SA) is designed to focus on continuity of operations, resiliency, vulnerability, and mitigation measures as well as the risk management process as it applies to one or more specific critical sites.

Our proven SA methodology is used to first identify potential problem areas — such as business risk, asset risk, or overall corporate risk — risks that could have a serious impact on business operations or functional capabilities.

A recommended course of action is then developed to address the identified risks and build site resiliency.

BSS will identify and document possible single points of failure and recommend actions for risk mitigation and infrastructure improvement. We will also discuss significant internal and external political, social, economic, and environmental factors.

During our onsite walk-through, we will take digital pictures of visible potential single points of failure. These photographs will be included in your Site Assessment report.

We will also conduct onsite interviews with company executives — such as asset, operations, and technology managers — and other personnel who have knowledge about your site. The interview process will examine the social, political, operational, economic, and environmental issues related to the development and implementation of a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan.

Let our certified risk management experts — consultants who have extensive first-hand experience in preparing for, responding to, and managing crisis events — help you assess the resiliency of your company’s site(s) and your overall risk management process.

Schedule a call or brief web meeting with one of our Sales Associates to discuss how BSS products and services can add value to your organization:

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    Indicate which BSS products and services you are interested in (required)

    LAFD Certification ProgramsDocument Management SystemLive TrainingEmergency Plan ManualsLife Safety Assessments & EvaluationsBusiness Continuity Plan (BCP)Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA)Site Assessment (SA)
